2021年2月18日 星期四

Do you mind if I sit here?

1. Do you mind + if + 人 + present V + … ? 尋求許可

2. Would you mind + if + 人 + past V + … ? 尋求許可

3. Do you mind + V-ing + … ? 請求/要求

4. Would you mind + V-ing + …? 請求/要求

2021年2月13日 星期六

spend / cost / take / pay


  物品 + cost(s) + 人 + $.

  The LV bag cost me NT$80,000.

It + cost(s) + 人 + $ + to + 原形動詞.

  It cost him NT$80,000 to buy the LV bag


spen d 用於花費「時間、金錢」,主詞只能是「人」,其後若有第二個動詞,則只能用「動名詞」形式。( 過去式為 spent,過去分詞也是 spent )

  人 + spend + 時間/ $ + V-ing.

  I spent 10 minutes waiting for the bus.

  人 + spend + $ + on + 物品.

  He spent $100 on the LB (Lu Beintan 路邊攤) bag.


take 用於花費「時間」( 過去式為 took,過去分詞是 taken )

  It + takes/took + 人 + 時間 + to + 原形動詞.

  It took Eric 10 hours to grade all the assignments.

  V-ing (動名詞當主詞) + takes/took + 人 + 時間.

  Writing this Chinese sentence took Eric 20 minutes.


pay 的本意為「付錢」,故只能用於「金錢」上,當然「主詞」也只能是「人」。( 過去式為 paid,過去分詞也是 paid )

  人 + pay + $ + for + 物品. ->(人)付 $ 買(物)

  I paid a lot of money for that iPhone99S.

2021年2月12日 星期五

Suppose、supposing 、 what if 和 should 的用法

Suppose、supposing 和 what if + 現在簡單式 - 表示對未來可能發生的事情提出建議。例如:

  • Suppose we stop for a lunch break now? (我們現在歇一會兒吃午餐怎麼樣?)
  • Supposing you fail the exam – what will you do then? (假設你考試不及格 - 那該怎麼辦?)
  • What if you don’t pass your exams? (你要是考試不及格怎麼辦?)

Suppose、supposing 和 what if + 過去簡單式 - 表示比上述更不確定某事在未來是否可能發生。例如:

  • Suppose I asked David to fix my computer? Do you think he’d do it? (如果我請大衛修理電腦怎麼樣?你想他會做嗎?)
    - 沒有 Suppose I ask David to fix my computer? 來得確定。
  • Supposing you won the lottery, what would you do with the money? (假如你中了樂透,你會怎樣處置那筆彩金?)
    - 沒有 Supposing you win the lottery… 來得確定。
  • What if the boss walked in here now and saw us? (如果老闆現在走進來這裡看到我們該怎麼辦?)
    - 沒有 What if the boss walks in here now and sees us? 來得確定。

Suppose、supposing 和 what if + 過去完成式 - 表示與過去事實相反,亦即這是一種過去的假設情況,實際上該事件並未發生。例如:

  • Suppose I hadn’t gone to that concert with you. (如果我沒有跟你去聽那場音樂會會怎麼樣?) - 事實上,我有去聽那場音樂會。
  • Supposing Cindy had broken up with her boyfriend. Would that have been a good idea? (如果辛蒂跟她男友分手,那會是個好主意嗎?) - 事實上,辛蒂沒有跟她男友分手。
  • A: What if you’d decided to move to the United States! What city would you have chosen? (A:如果你已決定搬到美國!你會選擇哪個城市?) - 事實上,你並沒有決定搬到美國。
    B: I would have chosen Los Angeles. (B:我會選擇洛杉磯)
  • Jason was supposed to hand in his paper, but he didn’t.
  • Jason was going to hand in his paper, but he didn’t.
  • The bus was supposed to arrive.
  • The bus was going to arrive.
  • 這班公車應該要到站了。

Should 應該 

用於過去式: I should have Vp.p.,有後悔當初沒做什麼的意思。

  • I should have told you that I love you.
  • 我早該告訴你我愛你。
  • She should be responsible for the task.
  • 她應該負責這項任務。
You're not supposed (= allowed) to be ogling my friends.

She should be (= it was expected that she would be) here by no

2021年2月9日 星期二


Tall order -- 很高的要求、很困難的任務

Tall one/Tall size -- 一大杯

Short one/Short size -- 一小杯

Cut short --提前結束

