2018年7月30日 星期一


I was supposed to be headed for Aruba on my honeymoon.我本來應該到 Aruba 度蜜月
Please don't spoil all the fun.不要把這些快樂給搞砸了
No spoilers!不要爆雷
Four years of closeness and sharing, after which she ripped your heart out.四年的親近和分享,最後她把你的心給傷透了
Get the hell out of here馬上給我從這裡滾開
Did I say that out loud?我大聲說出來嗎?
Are you through with that?喝完沒
the swallowing slowed me down下咽困難
Do that for two hours, you might be where I am about now.你再持續兩小時,就會變成我這樣
How do you fit into this whole thing?你現在要怎麼辨?
What do you have in mind?你有什麼想法?
What are you up to?最近在幹嘛?
a street illuminated by streetlights街燈照亮的街道
We don't take/accept gratuity.我們不收小費
can’t hold one’s liquor well酒量不好
I'm working on it. 我正在(盡力)做
I'm on a 12 hour blow.Blow here is a slang usage (originally, U.S.) meaning a break
kick in the teeth.嚴重打擊
He walked me home.他送我回家
'You're such a nice guy' means 'I'm gonna be dating leather-wearing alcoholics and complaining about them to you'.我觉得意思是说,你是个好人,但我不会和你约会,只会把你当朋友,在不如意的时候向你吐槽。
Cushions the Blow善意的謊言
I'am taking the reset of the day off.今天我要提前下班

