2019年4月21日 星期日

[Modal auxiliaries] Basic Modal Introduction

Modal Auxiliaries
can do it
could to it.
had better do it.
may do it.
might do it.
must do it.
ought to do it.
shall do it.
should do it.
will do it.
would do it.
Phrasal Modals
be able to do it.
be going to do it.
be supposed to do it.
have to do it.
have got to do it.

[Prepositions] Using by and with to express how something is done

by is used for means of transportation and communication
by (air)plane
by subway
by mail
by air
by boat
by taxi
by phone
by land
by bus
by train
by fax
by sea
by car
by foot
by chance
by mistake
by check
by choice
by hand
by credit card
with is used for instruments or parts of the body
with an ax
with a broom
with her finger
with my hand.

compare by hand and with my hand

by hand is usually used to mean that something was made by a person, not by a machine.
This rug was made by hand.

with my hand
I touched his shoulder with my hand.

Pat turned off the tape recorder by pushing the stop button.
Andrea stirred her coffee with a spoon.

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I figured out what "quench" means by guessing.
Alex caught my attention by waving his arms in the air.
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I swept the floor with a broom.
I sewed a button on my shirt with a needle and thread.
I cut the wood with a saw.
I took my temperature with a thermometer.
I stirred my coffee with a spoon.
I dug a hole in the ground with shovel.
I nailed two pieces of wood together with a hammer.
I cut the paper with a pair of scissors.
有傳輸都用 by
7. Some advertisers try to reach target audiences by mail.
9. I called Bill "Paul" by mistake.
10. The fastest way to send a copy of a piece of paper halfway around the world is by fax.
12. Some people pay their bills by computer.
13. Sally protected her eyes from the sun with her hand.
14. My grandmother makes tablecloths by hand.

[Prepositions] The

the + 前面出現過的名詞

ex. They have a son and a daughter. The son is a scientist and the daughter is an artist.

the + 獨一獨二

the moon (月球) the sky (天空) the sea (海) the universe (宇宙) the world (世界) the North Pole (北極) the equator (赤道) the west (西方)

the + 名詞 + 片語 、 子句

ex. The walls on the inside were nicely whitewashed. (牆壁的內部粉刷得很漂亮)

ex. The castle that I spoke of is in England. (我說過的那座城堡在英國)

by the + 單位

ex. Meat is sold by the gram. (賣肉以公克為單位)


Take the medicine. 把藥吃了。

用在序數詞和形容詞最高級,及形容詞 only, very, same 等前面

Where do you live? I live on the second floor.  你住在哪?我住在二層。

That's the very thing I've been looking for.  那正是我要找的東西。

the + 身體各部分的字

He took me by the hand. (他握了我的手)

He struck me on the head. (他打了我的頭)

[Prepositions] Use preposition let sentence more powerful

介係詞是句子中的精靈,它和動詞組在一起,會增加動詞的強度、亮度,使動詞更具動感,像 speak up 就比單單 speak 有力。

我們一起來看以下的句子比較 at、behind、by、on、with,這些小小的介係詞真的起了「畫龍點睛」的作用。
(1) 當我聽到這事時,我簡直不敢相信我的耳朵。
I couldn’t believe my ears when I heard this.
=> I couldn’t believe my ears at this.

(2) 她死後留下6個孩子。
She left six children after she died.
=> She left six children behind her.

(3) 如果需要幫助,打給我,號碼是2721-5033。
If you need help, just ring me. My telephone number is 2721-5033.
=> If you need help, just call me at 2721-5033.

(4) 我們舉杯慶祝他的成功。
We raise a toast to congratulate him on his great success.
=> We raise a toast to his great success.

(5) 這段文章生詞太多,我要理解真是太難了。
There are so many new words in this passage, so it is hard for me to understand.
=> With so many new words, this passage is beyond me.

(6) 他因為30票之差輸了競選。
He lost the election because of 30 votes.
=> He lost the election by 30 votes.

(7) 證據對他不利。
The evidence is not good for him.
=> The evidence is against him.

(8) 我可以幫你完成這個專案。
I can help you finish the project.
=> I can help you with the project.

(9) 我買單。
I’ll pay the bill.
=> It’s on me.

[Prepositions] Kinds of Prepositions (of/to)

The table is made of glass. (桌子是由玻璃製成。)桌子是從玻璃中「分離出來的」。
如果 說 It is made "with" glass. 表示你拿 glass 當工具(伴隨著/拿著),不合理。如果說It is made by wood. 表示 wood 是某個人,桌子是他做的,這也不合理。
這間房間的門the door of the room (O)
這扇門的鑰匙the key of the door (X)
這扇門的鑰匙the key to the door (O)
通往房間的那扇門the door to the room (O)


[Prepositions] Kinds of Prepositions (with/by)

by 則是「靠…過去」的感覺。

I will go with May. (我會和 May一起去。)
因為 with 給人的感覺是「伴隨著」,也就是「在旁邊/拿在在手上」的意思,所以 with 可以解釋作「利用…工具」,像是
I opened the door with a key. (我「用」一把鑰匙開那扇門。) 或者
I am satisfied with the gift. (我很滿意那個禮物。) 有這個 gift,滿足感隨之而來。
I went there by train. (我搭火車到那裡。)

「靠…過去」是透過train這種交通工具抵達,不能用 I went there "with" train,這樣會變成「使用(手拿著)」train 到那兒。

[Prepositions] Kinds of Prepositions (to/for)

to 是「朝著目標去」的感覺,目標明確,一定會到)
for 是「朝著一個方向去」的感覺,是一個大方向,並沒有說一定會到。

Give the proposal to me. (將那計劃書交給我。)「給 (give)」這個動作必須要作用在"me"身上才算完成,所以用 to。

I’ll buy it for you. (我會幫你買。) for 指一個方向,不管有沒有交給 you,「買(buy)」的動作都已經完成,所以用 for。

[Prepositions] Kinds of Prepositions (in/on)

房間的門用the door of the room
門的鑰匙卻是the key to the door?

如果是汽車是 in a car
公車是 on a bus

如果你在交通工具裡要彎腰,就用 in,in 是包在裡頭的感覺
如果是挺著身體走得進去,就是 on。依此類推,在飛機上是 in 還是 on?自然是 on an airplane 了。

[Prepositions] at、in、on

At 是一個點。假如你說某個人「at 某個地方」,你一定找得到他,因為他就在那一點上。

坐在桌子前,叫做 sit at the table
和你約在某咖啡廳碰面,是 meet you at the coffee shop
當然在某一個門牌號碼前面,看著某人,很自然地也都是用 at。

On 是一個面。
我住在二樓,用 I live on the second floor
在某條街上,想像站在那裡、抬頭挺胸,是一種平面概念,用on the street
在火車、捷運的車箱上,你不是擠在一個空間裡,可以伸直腰,站在平面上,這是 on。
那在飛機上呢? 想想這個規則,on an airplane。

In 是一個空間。空間可以大到是宇宙、山川、國家、城市,也可以小到一個車子、杯子、眼睛,所以是in the mountains、in the river、in Taiwan、in Taipei、in a car……。
好,問題來了,有學生問,在辦公室是 in 還是 at?in和at都對,意思有些微差別:

I’ll meet you at the office.
I’m in my office.
In 不只是在辦公室,而是做著在那個空間裡應該發生的事;好比 in school 是求學,in class 是上課,in the office 是辦公。

有時候 in 和 at 用錯了會讓人會錯意。我們經常講的一句話,「請打電話到我辦公室給我」。這句話要怎麼說呢?in 還是 at?

Please call me ___ the office.

Please call me at the office 是正確的;當然也有比較直接的說法 Please call my office,不要說please call me in the office,既像「你在辦公室打給我」或「打電話到我的辦公室」,又像「請你在辦公室叫我一聲」(兩人可能在同一個辦公室)。call也有「呼叫、喊叫」的意思。

At 是一個點。假如你說某個人「at 某個地方」,你一定找得到他,因為他就在那一點上。

坐在桌子前,叫做 sit at the table
和你約在某咖啡廳碰面,是 meet you at the coffee shop
當然在某一個門牌號碼前面,看著某人,很自然地也都是用 at。

I'm at school. (求學)
I'm at church. (做禮拜)
I'm at the school. (在學校) 對方知道你在哪間學校

On 是一個面。
我住在二樓,用 I live on the second floor
在某條街上,想像站在那裡、抬頭挺胸,是一種平面概念,用on the street
在火車、捷運的車箱上,你不是擠在一個空間裡,可以伸直腰,站在平面上,這是 on。
那在飛機上呢? 想想這個規則,on an airplane。

In 是一個空間。空間可以大到是宇宙、山川、國家、城市,也可以小到一個車子、杯子、眼睛,所以是in the mountains、in the river、in Taiwan、in Taipei、in a car……。
好,問題來了,有學生問,在辦公室是 in 還是 at?in和at都對,意思有些微差別:

I’ll meet you at the office.
I’m in my office.
In 不只是在辦公室,而是做著在那個空間裡應該發生的事;好比 in school 是求學,in class 是上課,in the office 是辦公。

有時候 in 和 at 用錯了會讓人會錯意。我們經常講的一句話,「請打電話到我辦公室給我」。這句話要怎麼說呢?in 還是 at?

Please call me ___ the office.

Please call me at the office 是正確的;當然也有比較直接的說法 Please call my office,不要說please call me in the office,既像「你在辦公室打給我」或「打電話到我的辦公室」,又像「請你在辦公室叫我一聲」(兩人可能在同一個辦公室)。call也有「呼叫、喊叫」的意思。

on campus 在校園內
off campus 在校外
on the first/on ground floor
in the basement
in/on/at the playground

There are several birds in the tree.
There are several birds setting on the branches.

The woman is sleeping in the bed.
She is lying in bed.
The baby is sleeping on the bed.
Mon laid the baby on the bed.
There are many cars in the parking lot.
There's a parachute in the sky.
The boy is leaning against the wall.
