2019年4月21日 星期日

[Prepositions] Use preposition let sentence more powerful

介係詞是句子中的精靈,它和動詞組在一起,會增加動詞的強度、亮度,使動詞更具動感,像 speak up 就比單單 speak 有力。

我們一起來看以下的句子比較 at、behind、by、on、with,這些小小的介係詞真的起了「畫龍點睛」的作用。
(1) 當我聽到這事時,我簡直不敢相信我的耳朵。
I couldn’t believe my ears when I heard this.
=> I couldn’t believe my ears at this.

(2) 她死後留下6個孩子。
She left six children after she died.
=> She left six children behind her.

(3) 如果需要幫助,打給我,號碼是2721-5033。
If you need help, just ring me. My telephone number is 2721-5033.
=> If you need help, just call me at 2721-5033.

(4) 我們舉杯慶祝他的成功。
We raise a toast to congratulate him on his great success.
=> We raise a toast to his great success.

(5) 這段文章生詞太多,我要理解真是太難了。
There are so many new words in this passage, so it is hard for me to understand.
=> With so many new words, this passage is beyond me.

(6) 他因為30票之差輸了競選。
He lost the election because of 30 votes.
=> He lost the election by 30 votes.

(7) 證據對他不利。
The evidence is not good for him.
=> The evidence is against him.

(8) 我可以幫你完成這個專案。
I can help you finish the project.
=> I can help you with the project.

(9) 我買單。
I’ll pay the bill.
=> It’s on me.

