換房間、換車、換班機...英文都用 change,換工作卻不能說 change a job!
和客戶開會開到一半,會議室燈管突然閃了起來,Nancy就決定要換會議室:Would you mind changing a meeting room?
I haven’t changed the room. 我一直沒有改變房間(維持原樣子)。
We changed seats in the interval. 中間休息時,我們交換了一下座位。
中文裡的「換新」,不是 change,是 get/renew
1. 我換了一個新工作。
(X)I changed a new job.
(O)I got a new job.
2. 他換了一個新女友。
(X)He changed a new girlfriend.
(O)He got a new girlfriend.
3. 我護照過期了,我得要換新的。
(X)My passport has expired. I have to changed it.
(O)My passport has expired. I have to get it renewed.
要換地方、和地點轉移相關的,用 move 比 change 自然很多。
中文指的「換」算是「移動到別的地方」,所以用move,如:to move to another place/ to move to a new location。
Would you mind us moving to another meeting room? It’s too loud here.
Is there any way we can move to another place?
換車、換房間、換班機可以用 Change,但是要加複數名詞
I had to change (trains) twice to get there. 到那裡我必須換乘兩次(火車)。
Change at Taipei Main Station for Banqiao . 在台北車站換車去板橋。
You'll have to change planes at Seattle. 你得在西雅圖換乘另一架飛機。
I’d like to change rooms, please. 我想要換房間。