2020年11月30日 星期一

[Modal auxiliaries] Making Suggestions: Couhd vs. Should

I would have
I should have
forget, choice
I could have
can, could
could may might

Should have (用在應該/可能發生而沒有發生的事物)

例:昨晚你應該來我的生日晚會, 大家都想念你

You should come to my birthday party last night, everyone missed you.
You should have come to my birthday party last night, everyone missed you.

I broke my iPhone 9, but thankfully I still have the warranty. It covers my phone for a year. Now, what am I supposed to do?

A. You have it checked already.
B. You should have replaced it.
C. You have to get replaced.
You should have it replaced.

Should not have (用在不應發生卻發生了的事物)

昨晚你不應該出去, 否則現在你的作業就已經作完了
You should not have gone out last night or you would have your homework finished by now.

「or 在此作 “否則” 解;would have 則有假定意涵」

Would have (會發生卻沒有發生的事物/情況)

今天如果你的父親還活著, 他會很高興看到你的成功
Your father would  have been very happy to see your success had he been living today.

這裡的 “會發生”,  是指你父親會很高興的機率, 不是指他會活到今天的機率」

Would not have (不會發生卻發生了的事物/狀況)

今天如果他小心一點的話, 這件事就不會發生
This matter would not have happened had he been more careful today.
This matter would not have happened ,if he had been more careful today

