2021年11月17日 星期三

[Nouns and pronouns] 指示代名詞

This vs. That

1. 物理距離


  This is a good film. (正在看)

  That was a great movie. (之前看)

3. 情感距離

  I love these. (相親近)

  I don't like those. (想離遠一點)

  I don't want to talk about this. (不一定,沒有嚴格)

4. 代替前面提到的事情


  A engineer's salary is lower that that of (= the salary) a doctor's

 =   A engineer's salary is lower that a doctor's (salary).

無生命,所以不會有 schist's the size

 Its grain size is larger than that of (=the size) slate but smaller than that of (=the size) schist.

5. those who

Those (people) who are interested in the course can learn more about it via the link below.

