2021年9月20日 星期一

[英文易搞混] nothing but & anything but

I want nothing but money. 


I want anything but money.

我一點都不想要錢。 (除了錢以外我什麼都可以要。)

Drinking coffee late at night will do nothing but stop you from falling asleep.


Arnold is an honest person; he tells nothing but the truth.


The watermelon is anything but sweet.


The weather this week has been anything but sunny.



 BBC Learning English - 6 Minute English / The language of wine

English at Work INTERMEDIATE LEVEL Telephone tell-tale



2021年9月15日 星期三

[英文易搞混] 造成


[英文易搞混] similar

be similar with sb

be similar with 是某人对什么很熟悉 ,是主动

be similar to sth/sb

be similar to 是某物为某人所熟知,与...相似 , 是被动

My problems are similar to yours. 我的问题与你的类似。 

Wasps look similar to bees. 黄蜂看上去很像蜜蜂。

I have no similar with Tom. 汤姆和我毫无共同之处

2021年9月12日 星期日


分詞 可以有 (Ving or Vpp)


目的:將原本 2 個主詞合併簡化


1. 動名詞

2. 形容詞

3. 時態:進行式、完成式

4. 被動

NOVA is located next to beautiful Min Lake.

NOVA is of the leading providers of spa service.

= Located next to beautiful Min Lake, NOVA is of the leading providers of spa service.

John, who currently works in Taipei, will be visiting us.

= John, currently working in Taipei, will be visiting us.

 A freight track containing engine parts overturned and blocked all four lines, resulting in heavy traffic congestion before authorities were able to reroute traffic.



 A freight track containing engine parts overturned and blocked all four lines, which resulted in in heavy traffic congestion before authorities were able to reroute traffic.

2021年9月11日 星期六

[Inverted sentence] Inverted sentence


1. Negative Inverted Sentence



never (從不) 、hardly (= scarcely 幾乎不)、rarely (很少)、seldom (很少)、little (幾乎不) 。 常


by no means (絕對不 )、 in no way ( 絕對不 )、 on no account ( 絕對不 )、 under no circumstances ( 絕對不)、in no situation ( 絕對不 )。


not until he came (直到他來) 、 only when he came (只有當他來的時後) 、 only after he came (只有到他來之後 )。

I have never seen such a pretty girl as she (is).

Never have I seen such a pretty girl as she.


You are by no means the person we need.

By no means are you the person we need.


I was not aware of it until he came.

Not until he came was I aware of it.


2. so / such Inverted Sentence

句中有 be 動詞時,該 be 動詞與主詞倒裝

He was so surprised that he couldn't say a word.

So surprised was he that he couldn't say a word.

Such was his surprise that he couldn't say a word.


Amy was so sad that she cried her heart out.

So sad was Amy that she cried her heart out.

Such was Amy's sadness that she cried her heart out.


They are such lazy students that they have no hope of passing the exam .

Such lazy students are they that they have no hope of passing the exam .



He has done so well that he deserves our respect .

So well has he done that he deserves our respect.


He can do it under no circumstances.

Under no circumstances can he do it.


He will not do it until Mary offers to help

Not until Mary offers to help will he do it.


He can do such a difficult job that he must be quite talented .

Such a difficult job can he do that he must be quite talented.


句中若有動詞時不可直接倒裝,須在主詞之前先按該動詞時態及人稱變化,分置 do , does 或 did,再將該動詞變成原形動詞。

He did such a wonderful job that he won our respect.

Such a wonderful job did he do that he won our respect.

3. Adverb Inverted Sentence

地方副詞 ( there , here ) 或地方副詞片語 ( in the room , at the station , by the window ) 置於句首,亦可形成倒裝句。


A boy stood there.

There stood a boy.


4. Fully Inverted Sentence

He who works hard is respectable.

Respectable is he who works hard.


5. as in place of though Inverted Sentence

Though he is nice, I dislike him.

Nice as he is, I dislike him.


only + 介系詞片語

You can master something only by constant practice.

Only by constant practice can you master something.


I will forgive him only when he apologizes sincerely.

Only when he apologizes sincerely will I forgive him.



6. 假設句

would have (想做或會做可是沒有做的事情)

If he had been here, the problem would have been solved.

Had he been here, the problem would have been solved.


If it should rain tomorrow, I would stay home.

Should it rain tomorrow, I would stay home.


should have (想做或會做可是沒有做的事情)

 I’m so tired today. I should have gone to bed early last night.


Could have (可以做但沒有做的事情)

 I could have picked you up at the airport, but I didn’t know you were coming.





2021年9月4日 星期六

[英文易搞混] 為了…目的

in order to V

so as to V


The house was built from wood so as to make it look like an old log cabin.

for the sake of  +N/Ving

Our school has an elevator for the sake of people who can't use the stairs.

with a view to +N/Ving

I'm studying hard with a view to applying to the best colleges in the country.

[英文易搞混] because of vs due to


可以說是因果關係句型中最常見的字了,because 是從屬連接詞,後面要加上一個完整句子,也就是有主詞、動詞的句子。because 加上了 of 之後變成了介係詞,後面必須要加上一個名詞或是動名詞,才是正確的。

because of 

He did very well on the mid-term exam because he studied hard for it.


The window of the office was broken because of the continual strong wind.

due to (prep.)

due to 是個介係詞,後面必須要加上名詞,不可以接完整句子。

(O) His failure was due to his arrogance.

(X) His failure is due to he is too arrogant.



I was hoping you could come to my birthday party next week.(我希望你下禮拜可以來我的生日派對。)

Could you take the garbage out?


如果只是說 Can you take the garbage out? 雖然文法並沒有錯,但如果說 Could you...? 會顯得更有禮貌且委婉喔!


I was wondering if you could give me the answer by this Friday.


I don’t suppose you could cover my shift, could you?


Could I order a tuna sandwich without onions, please?




[Noun Clauses] Reported Speech:Verb Form in Noum Clauses

 black book Page 404

Ann says, "I can't afford to buy a new car."

Ann says that she can't afford to buy a new car.

Sally said, "I don't like chocolate."

Sally said that she didn't like chocolate.

I watch TV every day.

She said she watched TV every day.

I am watching TV.

She said she was watching TV.

I have watched TV.

She said she had watched TV.

I watched TV.

She said she had watched TV.

I had watched TV.

She said she had watched TV.

I will watch TV.

She said she would watch TV.

I am going to watch TV.

She said she was going to watch TV.

I can watch TV.

She said she coud watch TV.

I may watch TV.

She said she might watch TV.

I must watcch TV.

She said she had to watch TV.

I have to wath TV.

She said she had to watch TV.

I should watch TV.

She said she should watch TV.

I ought to watch TV.

She said she ought to watch TV.

I might watch TV.

She said she might watch TV.

Immediate reporting:

Watch did th teachr just say? I didn't hear him.

He said he wants us to read Chaptere 6.

Later reporting:

I didn't go to class yesterday. Did Mr. Jones give any assignments?

Yes. He said he wanted us to read Chapter 6.

The world is round.

She said the world is round.

I watch TV every day.

She says she watches TV everyday.

I watch TV every day.

She has said that she watches TV everyday.

I watch TV every day.

She will say that she watches TV everyday.

Watch TV

She told me to watch TV..


[Noun Clauses] Quoted Speech

 Quoting One Sentence

She said, "My brother is a student."

"My brother is a student," she said.

My brother, "she said, " is a student.

Quoting More Than One sentence

"My brother is a student. He is attending a university," she said.

"My brother is a student," she said. "He is attending a university."

Quoting a Question or an Exclamation

"My brother is a student," said Anna.

"My brother" said Anna, "is a student."


[Noun Clauses]Quoted Speech

Quoting One Sentence

She said, "My brother is a student."

"My brother is a student," she said.

My brother, "she said, " is a student.

Quoting More Than One sentence

"My brother is a student. He is attending a university," she said.

"My brother is a student," she said. "He is attending a university."

Quoting a Question or an Exclamation

"My brother is a student," said Anna.

"My brother" said Anna, "is a student."


[Noun Clauses]Noun Clauses Beginning with That

 Verb + That-Clause

I think that Bob will come.

formal writing

I think Bob will come.

omitted in speaking

agree that

feel that

know that

remember that

believe that

find out that

learn that

say that

decide that

forgot that

notice that

tell someone that

discover that

hear that

promise that

think that

explain that

hope that

read that

understand that

Person + Be + Adjective + That-Clause

Jan is happy (that) Bob called.

I’m afraid that*

AI is certain that

We’re happy that

Jan is sorry that

I’m amazed that

AI is confident that

We’re pleased that

Jan is  sure that

I’m angry that

AI is disappointed that

We’re proud that

Jan is suprised that

I’m aware that

AI is glad that

We’re relieved that

Jan is worried that

(I’m afraid that*) To be afraid has two possible meanings:

  1. It can express fear

    • I’m afraid of digs.

    • I’m afraid that his dog will bite me.

  1. It often expresses a meaning similar to “to be sorry”

    • I’m afraid that I can’t accept your invitation.

    • I’m afraid you have the wrong number.

It+ Be + Adjective + That-Clause

It is clear (that) Ann likes her new job.

It’s amazing that

It’s interesting that

It’s obvious that

It’s true that

It’s clear that

It’s likely that

It’s possible that

It’s undeniable that

It’s good that

It’s lucky that

It’s strange that

It’s well/known that

It’s important that

It’s nice that

It’s surprising that

It’s wonderful that

That-Clause Used as a Subject

That Ann likes her new job is clear.

The fact (that) Ann likes her new job is clear.

It is fact (that) Ann likes her new job is

black book Page 414

common verbs followed by that-clauses

I trust Linda. I believe what she said. I believe she told the truth. (what= the things that)


Please tell me what you ate.

Please tell me the things which you ate.

                            s     v         (noun clauses)

                                          o(連)        s     v      (adjective clauses)