2021年9月4日 星期六

[Noun Clauses] No matter

 無論什麼(誰、哪一個、誰的、何時、哪裡、怎麼)…¸ ….


No matter what …, …

Whatever …, …

No matter who(whom) …, …

Whoever(Whomever) …, …

No matter which …, …

Whichever …, …

No matter whose …, …

Whosever …, …

No matter when …, …

Whenever …, …

No matter where …, …

Wherever …, …

No matter how …, …

However …, …

No matter why …, …




Whoever wants to come i welcome.

Anyone who wants wants to come is welcome.

He makes friends easily with whoever he meets.

He makes friends easily with anyone who he meets.


He always says whatever comes into his mind.

He always says anything that comes into his mind.


You may leave whenever you wish.

You may leave at any time that you wish.


She can go wherever she wants to go.

She can go anyplace that sh wants to go.


The students may dress however they please.

The students may dress in any way that they please.



No matter who may say so, don't believe it.

= Whoever may say so, ….

無論…是否(是不是、有沒有、會不會)…¸ ….


Whether … or not, ……

Whether he may come or not, I won't go.

Whether or not you may be a scientist in the future, I don't think she will marry you.


1. Whoever is against the law will be punished.

2. Whatever you have in the house is mine.

3. You may choose whatever is on the desk.

4. You may do whatever you like.

5. Whether he will come or not is a secret.

6. I don't know whether or not he will help you tomorrow.


  1. 不管你說什麼¸我們都不聽。 No matter what you say , we won't listen.

  2. 不管你要不要說¸我們都不聽。 Whether you will say or not , we won't listen.

  3. 不管你去哪裡¸我都和你在一起。 Wherever you go , I will be with you.

  4. 不管你去不去¸我都和你在一起。 Whether you will go or not , I will be with you.

  5. 不管他幾歲¸我都要見一見他。 However old he may be , I want to see him.

  6. 不管他是老還是少¸我都要見一見他。 Whether he is old or young , I want to see him.

  7. 不管你多用功¸你都考得不上。 However hard you study , you can't pass the exam.

  8. 不管你用不用功¸你都考得不上。 Whether you study hard or not , you can't pass the exam.

  9. 不論你去哪裡學英文¸你不能在一年內精通英文。

Wherever you may go to learn English , you can't master it in a year.

  1. 不管他何時來這裡¸一定帶一本書給我。

Whenever he comes here , he will bring me a book.

  1. 不管他是否能及時回來¸我們都得準時出發。

Whether he can come back in time or not , we have to set out on time.

  1. 你喜歡哪一本書就拿去吧!

Take whichever book you like !

  1. 不論你走哪一條路¸他將引導你到火車站。

Whichever road you may take , it will lead you to the train station.

  1. 你可以把它給任何你喜歡的人。

You may give it to whomever you like .

  1. 不論你要不要生小孩¸你都得結婚。

Whether you want to have a baby or not , you have to get married.

  1. 不管明天有沒有下雨¸我都得去嗎?

Whether it rains or not tomorrow , do I have to go?

  1. 不管是誰的車都不能停這裡。

Whosever car it is can't be parked here.

  1. 不管你為什麼那麼做¸我們都不能原諒你。

No matter why you did that , we can't forgive you.

  1. 不管Judy怎麼念¸他的英文永遠不可能及格是真的嗎?

Is it true that no matter how Judy studies , his English can never pass?

  1. 不管老師有沒有上完¸我們都要能自己念。

Whether the teacher finishes teaching the material or not , we have to study on our own.

