2117年12月24日 星期五


Present time
Past time
Future time
The present perfect and the past perfect


Asking questions
Subject-Verb Agreement
Nouns and pronouns
Count/Noncount Nouns
Modal auxiliaries
The Passive
  • Active sentences and passive sentences
  • Form of the passive
  • The passive forms of the present and past progressive
  • Using the by phrase
  • Common Non-Progressive Passive Verbs + Prepositions
  • Using be used ,accustomed to and get used, accustomed to
  • Using past participles as adjectives (stative passive)
  • Transitive and intransitive verbs (及物、不及物動詞)
  • Get + adjective and Get + past participle
  • Participial adjectives -ed vs. -ing
  • Passive modal auxiliaries

Adjective Clauses
Gerunds and Infinitives (動名詞)
Coordinating Conjunctions
  • Parallel Structure: Using Commas
  • Connecting ideas with but and or
  • Using Auxiliary verbs after but and and
  • Paired Conjunctions:Both...And; Not Only… But Also; Either… Or; Neither… Nor
  • Using and + too,so,either,neither
  • Connecting ideas with because
  • Conjunction
Adverb Clauses
  • Introduction
  • Using Adverb Clauses to Show Time Relationships
  • Using Adverb Clauses to Show Cause and Effect
  • Expressing contrast (Unexpected Result): Using Even Though
  • Showing Direct Contrast: While
  • Shortened If-Clauses
  • Adverb Clauses of Condition: Using Whether Or Not and Event If
  • Adverb Clauses of Condition: Using In Case
  • Adverb Claues of Condition:Using Unless
  • Adverb Clauses of Condition: Using Only If

Reduction of Adverb Clauses to Modifying Adverbial Phrases
  • Introduction
  • Changing Time Clauses to Modifying Adverbial Phrases
  • Expressing the Idea of During the Same Time in Modifying Adverbial Phrases
  • Expressing Cause and Effect in Modifying Adverbial Phrases
  • Using Upon + ing in Modifying Adverbial Phrases
Connectives That Express Cause and Effect, Contract, and Condition
  • Using Because Of and Due To
  • Cause and Effect: Using Therefore, Consequently, and So
  • Summary of Patterns and Punctuation
  • Other Ways of Expressing Cause and Effect: Such... That and So ... That
  • Expressing Purpose:Using So That
  • Showing contrast
  • Showing direct contrast
  • Expressing Conditions: Using Otherwise and Or
  • Summary of Connectives: Cause and Effect, Contrast, and Condition
Conditional Sentences and Wishes
  • Overview of Basic Verb Forms Used in Conditional Sentences
  • True in the Present or Future
  • Untrue (Contrary to Fact) in the Present or Future
  • Untrue (Contrary to Fact) in the Past
  • Using Progressive Verb Form in Conditional Sentences
  • Using Mixed Time in Conditional Sentences
  • Omitting If
  • Implied Conditions (would)
  • Verb Forms Following Wish
  • Using Would to Make Wishes about the Future
  • Subjunctive mood
  • Subjunctive mood
  • Subjunctive mood inverted sentence
  • Inverted sentence example
  • Wonder
  • Making comparisons with as ... as
  • Comparative and superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs
  • Comparision with less... then and not as ... as
  • Unclear comparisions
  • Using more with nouns
  • Using double comparatives
  • Using superlatives
  • Decorate comparative
  • As well as
Connecting ideas

Inverted sentence

Special Verb